Thursday, November 27, 2014

And, God willing, here we go!!!!!!

I have wanted to do a blog for Christian teachers for a long time-but always decided I was too busy. Well, I am still too busy, but I am going to do it anyway. I already have a teaching blog that is useful for every elementary school teacher, but I have ideas that are either only useful in the Christian classroom or are very helpful to the Christian teacher.

I have taught in a multi-grade classroom for more years than I care to think about-from 1-8 to 5-8 to K, 6-8 and now, 3-8.  It takes a certain kind of committed crazy and a total dependence on God to take on classrooms like the ones where I teach. Budgets are low; needs are high, but God is good. He gives ideas and opportunities to create a quality program without big bucks.  Prayer is a big part of my life as a Christian classroom teacher because God does answer prayers!

I hope to share some of my favorite classroom ideas as well as some of my favorite worship ideas with you. I hope you will follow or bookmark this blog. I hope you will leave comments, ideas or questions for me too. This blog is for you. Help me make it useful for you!